13 December 2006

Let the eating begin

In our house, sufganiyot season kicks off a few days before Hanukah. So, with a commitment to finding the best sufganiyot in Israel and the best times of the day to get 'em, we've created sufganiblog.

Diets be damned!


Allie Litwin said...

They're skimping on the filling at Roladin near the old HaMashbir! Stopped by after taking the kids to school. The jelly injection never reached the center and the rabat chalav was less than a kazayit.

Anonymous said...

I personally do not particularly like doughnuts, however when on holiday in England a couple of years ago I had something called a Crispy Cream. They have got to be the best doughnuts I have ever tasted, iced and seriously melted in the mouth. If anyone out there knows where something comparable is sold I WILL TRAVEL. Please let me know vickielyas@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

I wonder if that is similar to the US brand "Krispy Kreme" which is among the most delectable donut creations ever produced, especially when consumed warm... talk about melting in your mouth!